• How do I create an account?

    1. Go to steamboatstars.com.

    2. Click the red “Register” button found at the top of the page.

    3. Click “Create Account”.

  • After I create an account, how do I register for programs/lessons?

    After the initial time of registering, you can then simply go to steamboatstars.com and click red “Register” button to login to your account. You will then utilize the drop-down menu option called “Register for a Program/Lesson” to see what is currently available.

  • How do I login in my STARS account?

    1. Go to steamboatstars.com

    2. Click the red “Register” button found at the top of the page.

    3. Login using the information you created.

  • If I forget my password, how do I retrieve it?

    1. Go to the steamboatstars.com

    2. Click the red “Register” button found at the top of the page.

    3. Click “Having trouble logging in?”.

    4. Enter the email address associated with your account.

    5. This will send you an email which will allow you to reset your password.

  • When I am trying to retrieve my password it asks me, “Who am I creating the account form for?” How do I answer this question?

    When registering initially you created an account based on the participant’s name, therefore you are looking to retrieve the PARTICIPANT’s password.

  • How often do I need to update the Participant Paperwork?

    We ask that you review the paperwork built into the participant’s profile ANNUALLY. Please select the drop-down menu option “Update My Profile” to verify all the information is still valid and resubmit the form.

  • If I begin to fill out the participant form, but don’t finish, does it save?

    Unfortunately, no. Your participant form will save once you hit SUBMIT on the bottom of the form.

  • I am looking for a day to schedule a program/lesson, but it shows it is currently full or unavailable. How do I get on the waitlist?

    Please call the office at (970) 870-1950 and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

  • I am not receiving an email confirmation after I register for an event. What do I do?

    If you don't see an email in your inbox within 15 minutes, please check your junk-mail folder. If you find it there, please mark the email as NOT junk and add @steamboatstars.com to your address box.

  • Can I enroll more than one participant at once?

    Unfortunately, we do not have this ability as we need each individual participant to have their own participant form filled out.

  • If I have two kids in the STARS programs, do I have to have two logins?

    Yes, each individual child will have their own login information for you to register them into our programs/lessons.