Summer Programs

STARS provides life-changing experiences for participants with cognitive and physical disabilities, and their families. Participants gain self-esteem, independence, camaraderie, resilience, and courage through our programs. STARS offers daily programs throughout the summer season in adaptive horseback riding, kayaking, swimming, biking, and more.

  • STARS strives to keep our programs affordable, but recognizes that some may need additional support to access our programs. Our scholarships are based solely on financial need and only complete applications will be considered.

    Scholarship Application

    Scholarship Process

  • For more information on Locating STARS, Equipment Use and Ticketing, please visit our Participant Resources page.

  • Please use this guide as you use our online registration system. Also, please feel free to call the office at (970) 870.1950 and we will be happy to assist.

  • Participants must agree to all policies in order to participate in STARS programming. The policies are provided once more for review within the registration process. Please give our office a call if you have any questions. (970) 870-1950

    Cancelation Policy

    Policies and Procedures

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